Friday, September 28, 2007

I get sick when i'm around...

Is it just me or does everyone have a violent almost cellular reaction to some people? know the type that lodges themselves under your skin and proceed to jump around a good deal?...uggh!! just the fact that this person breathes annoys you and you spend some free moments fantasising of ways to inflict pain on this person. Harsh I know...but I never was a contender for Miss Congeniality:)

Popular psych theories state that you dislike someone because they have traits that you inherently posses and aren't at peace with and blah di blah di blah. Screw that! I'm a veritable angel in comparison to said plonker who I think should be stripped naked and paraded around the town square so everyone can laugh at his little willy.

Whew! I feel better now:) the benefits of a good rant are highly under rated.


unforgiven said...

Awww.. don't hold back now.
Tell us how you 'really' feel.

kashvi Lakshman said...

sarcasm noted:)

desh said...

i havent thought so much about likin or dislikin anyone
comes naturally this thng, like sleeping :)

n plz no naked parades in bangalore, its already quite awkward here on roads :)

go on, have fun inflicting pain on the plonker

kashvi Lakshman said...

thank you desh...any suggestions?

desh said...

nw this can be difficult

hmm wanna be barbaric go the passion of christ way

waana be utterly barbaric go the american history x way and break his teeth

wanna be super ultra barbaric eat his brain like antony hopkins does

wanna be maha-super-ultra-crappy-barbaric turn him into a car on bangalore roads :P