Friday, August 17, 2007

Not waiting for a magical love to transform my life..

It's an odd thing to wake up one day and realise that the chances of you becoming an astronaut, a film star or a UN diplomat are so slim they're non existent.

The realisation that the universe is not a benevolent place where justice will be done and what goes around will come around...not in your life time.

That bad things happen to good people.

Sometimes love doesn't conquer all...sometimes it doesn't even put up a fight.

When did growing up mean surrendering all hope to the alter of the "real world?"....

Well "real world" and all it's practical inhabitants hear me roar...." You can take my soul but you can take my irrepressible, irrational, inexplicable hope-dom!"......couldn't find something that rhymed with freedom:)

1 comment:

unforgiven said...

Growing up doesn't involve giving up on hope.
Growing up involves finding out why we need hope.