Monday, July 16, 2007

Things I should want... but don't.....

Children- I guess i'm a late bloomer in that biological clock is niether ticking nor tocking. It seems content to sit silently and watch all the mothers I know in barely masked horror.
Millions- Money is sorta over rated after a point isn't it? I have really simple, smokes, the occaisional martini and clothes...oh yeah petrol.
Husband-I quite like love, men and relationships. A not so sure. Seems like a scary grown up man telling me to "behave yourself young lady" in a stern sorta superior voice...boy am i a shrinks delight!
Nice house- eh! sure....can't see myself picking out china, drapes and yelling at parvathamma the annoying maid all day long. When I sometimes look longingly at rattan furniture i quickly look at the price and run like meep meep the road runner. Who spends 80,000/- on a table???!
Best friend- What would be the fun in that? I'm so many different people battling so many different things I could never really claim any one person knows me the best. I like lots of equations with lots of people.

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