Friday, September 28, 2007

I get sick when i'm around...

Is it just me or does everyone have a violent almost cellular reaction to some people? know the type that lodges themselves under your skin and proceed to jump around a good deal?...uggh!! just the fact that this person breathes annoys you and you spend some free moments fantasising of ways to inflict pain on this person. Harsh I know...but I never was a contender for Miss Congeniality:)

Popular psych theories state that you dislike someone because they have traits that you inherently posses and aren't at peace with and blah di blah di blah. Screw that! I'm a veritable angel in comparison to said plonker who I think should be stripped naked and paraded around the town square so everyone can laugh at his little willy.

Whew! I feel better now:) the benefits of a good rant are highly under rated.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Things to do...

- Have one moment of voices in my head or outside of it....just breathe and be..
- Sing...loudly...easily...with all my it was meant to be..instead of chiming in sweetly and quietly at the chorus
- Trust that it'll be just will
- Re learn how to play Mario brothers...damn can't believe i can't seem to play it
-Run....i-pod on...on lovely clean track...cute a sports shoe commercial..
-Walk tall...head held high...look people in the eye
- Let go....of something, anything, everything....
-Go scuba diving
-Smoke 3 ciggarettes a day. Thats it. Not one more not one less.
-Take care of my feet
- Smile more
-cry....tears of joy...tears of sorrow...tears of hope
-Write more
- Eat more fruits
-Read more
-Learn to play Tennis
-Smoke a cigar...whisky in hand...wearing a top hat and a bow tie